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Mi'kmawey Green Communities Program

Waste Sorting Guide


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Blue Bag #1

Recyclable containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Clean Styrofoam can be recycled in this bag.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Garbage must be in clear bags.

1 black bag may be used for privacy items.


All food and soiled paper. Only paper bin liners are permitted.

You are not required to use a liner.

Annapolis Valley

Blue Bag #1

Recyclable containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Garbage must be placed in clear bags.


Prefer paper or cardboard liners.

You are not required to use a liner.

Bear River

Blue Bag #1

Recyclable containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Garbage must be placed in clear bags.


Prefer paper or cardboard liners.

You are not required to use a liner.


Blue Bag #1

Recyclable Containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Garbage must be in clear bags.

1 black bag may be used for privacy items.


Compostable plastic bags as well as paper liners are permitted.

You are not required to use a liner.


Blue Bag #1

Recyclable containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Garbage must be placed in clear bags.


Prefer paper or cardboard liners.

You are not required to use a liner.


Blue Bag #1

Recyclable Containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Garbage must be in clear bags.

1 black bag may be used for privacy items.


Compostable plastic bags as well as paper liners are permitted.

You are not required to use a liner.


Blue Bag #1

Recyclable Containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Clean Styrofoam can be recycled in this bag.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.

Textiles such as clothing can be recycled in this bag.


Garbage must be in clear bags.
(up to 5 per household)

An additional 1 black bag may be used for privacy items.


All food and soiled paper. Kitty litter is permitted.

Only paper bin liners are permitted.
(You are not required to use a liner)


Blue Bag #1

Recyclable Containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Garbage must be in clear bags.
1 grocery bag is permitted, per week, inside one clear bag.


All food and soiled paper. Kitty litter is permitted.

Only paper bin liners are permitted.
(You are not required to use a liner)

Pictou Landing

Blue Bag #1

(clear bags can also be used)

Recyclable containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

(clear bags can also be used)

Paper Recycling.

All clean paper.


Garbage must be in clear bags.

1 black bag may be used for privacy items.


All food and soiled paper. Kitty litter is permitted.

Only paper bin liners are permitted. You are not required to use a liner.


Blue Bag #1

Recyclable containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Garbage must be in clear bags.

1 grocery bag is permitted, per week, inside one clear bag.

Backyard Composting

Fruits and vegetables.


Blue Bag #1

Recyclable Containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Clean Styrofoam can be recycled in this bag.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.

Textiles such as clothing can be recycled in this bag.


Garbage must be in clear bags.

1 black bag may be used for privacy items.


All food and soiled paper. Only paper bin liners are permitted.

You are not required to use a liner.


Blue Bag #1

Recyclable Containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Meat, fish, chicken, bones and dairy can be disposed of in garbage.

Backyard Composting

Fruits and vegetables.


Blue Bag #1

Recyclable Containers such as clean plastics, jars, cans and bottles.

Blue Bag #2

Paper Recycling.


Meat, fish, chicken, bones and dairy can be disposed of in garbage.

Backyard Composting

Fruits and vegetables.